My Sensitivity is My Strength
Hanna Hunt
Education, Training & Credentials
Hanna Hunt, MAEd
Education, Training & Credentials
My formal education, professional training and credentials represent my professionalism, dedication, and devotion to my spiritual path, personal growth and lifelong learning.
Bachelor's Degree
As a first generation college student, I put myself through college graduating with my Bachelor’s degree in Human Ecology with Honor as a McNair Scholar. My senior thesis topic was inclusive family systems.
Master's Degree
I put myself through graduate school earning my Master’s degree in Agricultural Education with a focus in adult learning and leadership development. My capstone title was “Mentoring from the Soul™: A Liberatory Curriculum”.
Shamanic Practitioner
After three years of intense study, mentorship and practice in the USA, Mexico, Peru and BolivIa, I became a full mesa carrier in the Andean tradition in energy medicine and energetic rites of enlightenment.
Grief, Death & Dying Ritualist
Sobonfu Some introduced me to grief healing in the Dargara Tradition. She taught how grief needs to be held and honored to be released. I later earned a death and dying consciously certificate.
Women’s Ritualist
Red tents and menstrual rites of passage provided safety and belongingness in women-led communities allowing me to develop a deep connection with my innate wisdom as an embodied creator.
HeartMath™ Mentor
I earned my certificate in building personal resilience from the HeartMath Institute, which uses research-based techniques and technologies to foster intelligent energy management.
Plant Spirit Initiation I
After two years, I earned two credentials in New Zealand flower essence therapy and plant spirit medicine that is gentle on the mind, emotions and body.
Plant Spirit Initiation II
I failed my initiation into advanced plant spirit medicine due to my lack of understanding of how Plant Spirits communicate. After two years of further study, I repeated the rites and passed successfully.
Plant Spirit Initiation III
After three years, I passed my third plant spirit initiation. I learned to relate with Plant Spirits, take responsibility for my own healing, heal my karma across lifetimes and come into right relationship with my own Soul.
Plant Spirit Initiation IV
For two years, I re-indigenized with my Irish spiritual roots. I learned to claim my energy body as my own, release the expectations of others, voice my truth and develop a deep and trusting relationship with the Irish Trees, Earth, Nature and my own Soul.
Celestial Initiation
After 18 months, I successfully passed my celestial initiation. As I worked with the planets, zodiac and archangels of our solar system to heal my karma across lifetimes, I learned about power, illusion, reality and the celestial forces influencing our lives.
Associate Member
I earned my American Herbalist Guild Associate Member designation after training and practicing for more than 600 hours in plant spirit medicine and related practices.