My Sensitivity is My Strength

Hanna Hunt

Women’s Ecologist • Adult Educator • Shamanic Practitioner

Hanna Hunt, MAEd

My Sensitivity is My Strength

Since 1996, I’ve been designing curriculum, teaching and mentoring sensitive women in discovering their unique voice of leadership. Now, I’m the founder of Women’s Ecology, a new discipline devoted to the study and practice of women’s spirituality, womanhood and women’s leadership.

❀ Nature is My Ally ❀

My Credentials

  • Post-Graduate Coursework

    Women’s Lifespan Development

    Master’s Degree

    Major: Agricultural Education

    Focus: Experiential Education and Leadership Development.

    Capstone: Mentoring from the Soul: A Liberatory Curriculum

    Bachelor’s Degree

    Major: Human Ecology

    Senior Thesis: Inclusive Family Systems

  • Educational Program Design and Management: 12 Years

    Curriculum Development & Instruction for Adult Learners: 10 Years

    Community Service: 5 Years

    • Full Mesa Carrier in the Andean Tradition: 3 Years Shamanic Training

    • Plant Spirit Medicine Specialty: 9 Years Training

    • Celestial Ritualist: 2 Years Training

    • Grief, Death & Dying Ritualist: 6 Months Training

    • Diploma in Christian Mysticism: 1 Year Training

    • Certified Shamanic Practitioner

    • Certified Dying Consciously Practitioner

    • Certified Flower Essence Therapist

    • American Herbalist Guild: Associate Member

Hanna Hunt Women's Ecologist™ and founder of Women's Ecology™ educator and shamanic practitioner headshot.

❀ Be True ❀

My Why

Heart-shaped blossom symbolizing women's self-leadership, ethic of care, empowerment, and inner beauty.

Helping sensitive women be true to their hearts, so they create the beauty that lies within.

Get to Know Me

    • Neurodivergent

    • Intuitive

    • Empath

    • Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

    • Depth

    • Clarity

    • Transparency

    • Intimacy

    • Innovation


    Bridging the Old & New

    • Authentic Individualists

    • Independent and Self-Reliant

    • Adaptable and Resilient

    • Practical and Resourceful

    • Socially and Environmentally Conscious

    • Community Service

    • Entrepreneurial Risk-Takers

    • Primary Caretakers and Full-Time Workers

    • Seekers of Work-Life Balance

    • Hopeful

    • Celestial Spiritual Lineage: As a celestial ritualist, my spiritual lineage was passed to me by the planets, zodiac and planetary archangels of our solar system in accordance with cosmic law.

    • Andean Spiritual Lineage: As a full mesa carrier, my Andean spiritual lineage was passed to me according to indigenous Q’ero prophecy by Francisco Chura Flores and his wife, Juana Apaza Ccapa of the Q’ero people in Cusco, Peru.

    • New Zealand Spiritual Lineage: In pursuit of global oneness, my New Zealand plant spirit lineage was passed to me with permission by the renowned Maori indigenous wisdom keeper, Dr Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere of Tūhoe, Ngāti Ruapani and Ngāti Kahungunu who passed from Earth in December 2020.

    • Irish Spiritual Lineage: My Irish plant spirit lineage was passed to me by the Sacred Trees of Ireland in accordance with my Irish genetic heritage.

  • INFJ

    • Introvert (Gaining energy in solitude)

    • Intuitive (Communicating about the abstract)

    • Feeling (Making decisions with feelings)

    • Judging (Taking action and bringing closure)

    • 1-2% of the population

    • Strategy (Inherently seeing a clear path forward)

    • Intellection (Thinking and contemplating)

    • Ideation (Innovating)

    • Futuristic (Visioning the future)

    • Connectedness (Feeling the connection of all people, places and things)

    • Seeker (Exploring)

    • Alchemist (Transforming)

    • Creator (Creating)

    • Caregiver (Nurturing)

    • Motto: “Making the impossible possible.”

    • Conceptual (Generating ideas)

    • Structural (Bringing structure and form to ideas)

    • <4% of the population

My Journey

As an INFJ, Empath, HSP and neurodivergent, I learned to camouflage and mask my true self in early childhood. “Why are you so sensitive?,” “Stop being so emotional” “What’s wrong with you?,” “Why are you like that?,” and “Lighten up” were frequent comments that taught me to be “other.” What I knew about myself in early childhood, I quickly unlearned.

My self-alienation made me vulnerable to predatory personality types who undermined my self-confidence, self-esteem and eventually my professional leadership. It also contributed to autoimmunity, an “anti-self” disorder in which the body attacks itself.

A spiritual crisis in the middle of my plant spirit medicine journey brought me to the brink of suicide. It taught me that suicide is not an escape or cosmic reset. It would only prolong my suffering into my next life.

Consequently, I rededicated myself to my healing journey and immersed myself in lifestyle changes that helped my body align with the rhythms, wisdom and power of nature (functional nutrition, whole foods and herbs my body could absorb, natural hormone replacement therapy, sleep hygiene, etc.).

The heroine’s journey, the healing cycle of life and making nature my ally helped peel back the layers of self-denial to reveal my true self.

It improves my self-trust, self-confidence and professional leadership by fine-tuning my intuition, discernment and decision-making.

Learning how to incarnate on the physical plane requires the time and discipline to heal trauma in my physical and energetic bodies. This allows my Soul to reside within my body in peace and harmony.

Returning to the rhythms, wisdom and power of nature restores my identity, freedom and power. Everyday, I am reclaiming my sovereignty as a Spirit, Woman and Leader.


A strong moral or ethical code, steadfastness, wholeness.

- The Free Dictionary

Energy medicine is power.

It attracts the ethical, conscious, unconscious and unscrupulous.

Finding practitioners you trust can be a process of trial and error costing time, money and emotional pain.

I’ve been there.


My professionalism is grounded in my integrity. I am trustworthy and reliable. I have healthy boundaries, take responsibility for myself and expect others to do the same.


My dedication is to the spiritual journey for myself, my clients and students. I know personal, professional and spiritual failure and success. I play the long game knowing that success requires commitment, time and sacrifice.


My spirituality is my way of life. I am disciplined, faithful and immersed within my practices. My spiritual journey demonstrates where I can lead you.