Spirit Woman Leader

An Introduction to Women’s Ecology™


Podcast Description

This podcast explores Women’s Ecology™, a new and distinct discipline. Women’s Ecology™ is the holistic study of the influence of genetics and the natural, social, built, and ethereal environments on women's development across the lifespan (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical). It encompasses the ancient and distinctive qualities, characteristics, and practices of women's spirituality, womanhood, and women's leadership.

Women’s Ecology™ was founded by Hanna Hunt, MEd, a Women’s Ecologist™, adult educator, and shamanic practitioner in the Andean tradition specializing in the plant spirit medicine of Ireland and New Zealand.

Hanna is also the founder of The College of Women’s Ecology™, nature’s holistic wellness school for sensitive women that makes your sensitivity your strength by making nature your ally.

Episode Description

This episode introduces and defines Women's Ecology™. It also discusses women's spirituality, womanhood, and women's leadership as the three reasons why your authenticity is grounded in the gifts that make sensitive women unique and powerful.

Main Topics & Time Stamps

00:00 | Welcome

00:11 | This Episode

00:22 | Hanna Hunt

00:34 | Honoring

00:45 | Hope

03:18 | My Mission

03:55 | Women’s Ecology™: The Three Pillars

04:25 | Women’s Ecology™: The Premise

04:49 | Women’s Ecology™: The Three Constituents

05:03 | Women are Spiritual Beings

05:39 | Women are Born Creators

06:11 | Women are World Makers

06:44 | The Next Evolution of Humanity

07:30 | Deep Connection

07:51 | Women’s Ecology™: The Four Priorities

08:16 | What’s Next?

08:42 | Join Me

08:55 | Until We Meet Again

09:14 | Intellectual Property Rights

Join Me

Episode Transcript

00:00 | Welcome

Welcome to The Women’s Ecology Podcast™ where sensitive women explore the breadth, depth, and intersection of women’s spirituality, womanhood, and women’s leadership.

00:11 | This Episode

In this episode, I discuss the three reasons why your authenticity is grounded in the gifts and attributes that make sensitive women unique, whole, and powerful.

00:22 | Hanna Hunt

I’m Hanna Hunt: A Women’s Ecologist™, adult educator, and shamanic practitioner in the Andean tradition specializing in the plant spirit medicine of Ireland and New Zealand.

00:34 | Honoring

This episode is broadcast from the unceded territories of the Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Ute, and Sioux sovereign indigenous nations.

00:45 | Hope

Since 1996, I’ve been designing curriculum, teaching, and mentoring sensitive women and girls in discovering their unique voice of leadership.

Combined with my own personal experience, I’ve learned that the modern world is not created for sensitive women. Sensitive women who express their sensitivity are frequently judged. The pace, competition, demands, and violence of the modern world cause sensory, physical, mental, emotional, and energetic overwhelm.

To cope, sensitive women often camouflage their sensitivity to self-protect leading to self-denial, self-alienation, and energetic fragmentation. For sensitive women, hiding who they truly are can lead to a broken heart, holding broken dreams, caused by a broken idea of what it means to be a spirit, woman, and leader.

It’s evident that sensitive women are in a double-bind. They pay a cost either way. They are either in hiding or judged. In both cases, they’re overwhelmed. Overwhelm is stress. It triggers cortisol levels, which takes its toll on the body over time and can lead to chronic illness.

However, hope is on the horizon.

Your sensitivity is a spiritual gift. Your energy body resonates at a higher frequency, which gives you heightened senses.

Your heightened senses give you the ability to perceive the unknown, the needs of your body, the needs of others, the needs of the Earth, Nature, and Cosmos.

It gives you the capacity to bridge the human and natural worlds; the physical and ethereal worlds.

It gives you the capacity to perceive the voice of Spirit.

When your authentic sensitive self is grounded in the gifts and attributes that make sensitive women unique, whole, and powerful, you’re accessing your sacred feminine heritage, birthright, and legacy. Your sensitivity is the root of your freedom and power. 

Sensitive women have chosen to incarnate here on planet Earth at this time for a reason and a purpose. Your heart, family, and career need your very best. They need your natural gifts. They need sensitive women in their strength.

03:18 | My Mission

My mission is to help you be true to your heart, so you create the beauty that lies within.

To that end, I’m the founder of Women’s Ecology™, a new and distinct discipline for sensitive women and girls that makes your sensitivity your strength by making nature your ally through the study and practice of women’s spirituality, womanhood, and women’s leadership.

I’m also the founder of The College of Women’s Ecology™, nature’s holistic wellness school for sensitive women and girls that nurtures the next evolution of healers, leaders, and world makers.

03:55 | Women’s Ecology™: The Three Pillars

Women’s Ecology™ is the holistic study of the influence of genetics and the natural, social, built, and ethereal environments on women's development across the lifespan, including their spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical development. It encompasses the ancient and distinctive qualities, characteristics, and practices of women's spirituality, womanhood, and women's leadership.

04:25 | Women’s Ecology™: The Premise

It’s founded upon the premise that women have each of the following:

1) An ancient and notable spiritual heritage woven into their DNA that unifies them with the rhythms, wisdom, and power of nature;

2) bodies with a unique genetic, physical, and biochemical composition; and

3) leadership values and priorities based upon an ethic of care.

04:49 | Women’s Ecology™: The Three Constituents

The three constituents of Women’s Ecology™ are: Women are spiritual beings, women are born creators, and women are world makers.

05:03 | Women are Spiritual Beings

Women’s spirituality is woven into your DNA. It was passed to you on each of your XX chromosomes by Mitochondrial Eve. It heals your Soul, mind, body, and emotions. It helps you embody the rhythms, wisdom, and power of nature found in the Earth, plants, animals, and cosmos. Women’s spirituality stands for the sacred feminine. It’s your genetic heritage, birthright, and legacy. And, it’s time you claimed it.

05:39 | Women are Born Creators

The power of creation is woven into your DNA. It’s the healing cycle of life that you access on a monthly basis as you bleed and across your lifetime as you pass through menarche, motherhood, and menopause, which is the cycle of death, rest, rebirth and growth. It’s the sacred right and responsibility granted solely to women to bring spirit into physical form. It's the gift that makes women World Makers.

06:11 | Women are World Makers

Women’s Ecologists™ stand for the sacred feminine. They’ve mastered their spiritual sovereignty, sensitivity, and unique voice of leadership. They are world makers who practice an ethic of care. With nature as their ally, they prioritize the safety and wellbeing of all women, children, plants, animals, the Earth, and all other vulnerable and at-risk beings, human and non-human alike.

06:44 | The Next Evolution of Humanity

Authentic sensitive women are the next evolution of humanity.

With your gift of sensitivity, you have the capacity to become a Women’s Ecologist™.

Women’s Ecologists™ have a clarity of vision, depth of conviction, open-mindedness, transparency, and ability to integrate and balance the needs of the many with the needs of the few.

Truth, justice, empathy, compassion, collaboration, and an ethic of care are their constant companions.

Women’s Ecologists™ listen. They ask questions. They adjust their understanding.

They seek holistic solutions for the greatest good.

07:30 | Deep Connection

Why are they like this? Because sensitive women are hardwired for deep connection.

Healthy deep connection is rooted in your intuitive self with a deep understanding of your intuitive gifts.

It’s grounded in your self-worth, this includes self-respect, self-trust, self-confidence, self-compassion, and self-care.

07:51 | Women’s Ecology: The Four Priorities

When you’re rooted in your intuitive self and grounded in your self-worth you’re able to set boundaries, make decisions, and act by prioritizing Spirit first, yourself second, family third, and career fourth without fear, guilt, or apology.

This is why sensitive women are the next evolution of humanity.

08:16 | What’s Next?

During Season 1 of The Women’s Ecology Podcast™, we will explore Women’s Ecology™: What it is, why it’s important, where it came from, and where it can take you.

In my next episode, Season 1, Episode 1, we’ll do a deep dive into Authenticity: What it is, why it’s important, and why so many sensitive women are seeking it.

08:42 | Join Me

Click the button to follow The Women’s Ecology Podcast™.

Visit me at WomensEcology.com

And, once there, subscribe to my newsletter, Letters from Hanna™.

08:55 | Until We Meet Again

Remember, be true to your heart, so you create the beauty that lies within.

09:14 | Intellectual Property Rights

The Women’s Ecology Podcast™ is a production of Women’s Ecology, LLC. All rights reserved.

Hanna Hunt, MEd

Hanna Hunt is a Women’s Ecologist™, adult educator, and shamanic practitioner in the Andean tradition specializing in the plant spirit medicine of Ireland and New Zealand.

Hanna’s the founder of Women’s Ecology™, the holistic study of the influence of genetics and the natural, social, built, and ethereal environments on women's development across the lifespan (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical). It encompasses the ancient and distinctive qualities, characteristics, and practices of women's spirituality, womanhood, and women's leadership. She’s also the founder of The College of Women’s Ecology™, nature’s holistic wellness school for sensitive women that makes your sensitivity your strength by making nature your ally.
