Rest & De-stress

Energy Healing

Stressed, Overwhelmed, or Worn Out?

Stress & Overwhelm

Sensitive women live with constant demands, chronic stress, and overwhelm. The mind races with endless tasks, emotions are consumed by drama, and the body is deprived of peace and calm. Over time, elevated stress hormones deplete the body’s energy. This leads to unnatural fatigue, lack of motivation, and self-care. This is why I created Rest.

Be Kind to Yourself


Rest is private shamanic and intuitive energy healing for sensitive women who are caring for others, need help caring for themselves, and are ready to release that which no longer serves them. You will be held in safe and sacred space as you lie down, rest, and let the Spirit of the Moon heal wounds that are Soul deep.

Make Nature Your Ally

  • Discover

    Sessions: 1

    Length: 20 Minutes

    Price: Complimentary

  • Healing Session

    Sessions: 1

    Length: 60 Minutes

    Price: $400

    Opportunity: Up to three single Sessions of any type can be applied to the purchase of a Care Plan when all are purchased within 90 days.

  • Care Plan

    Sessions: 1 per month for 6 months

    Session Type: Any combination

    Length: 60 minutes each

    Payment Plan Example:

    Month 1: One pre-paid Single Session.

    Months 2-5: $400 per month.

    Month 6: Complimentary session.