A Distinct Discipline | A New Paradigm

Women’s Ecology™

The Caregiver Archetype.

The Moon

Ruler of the Caregiver Archetype

  • The Moon & The Caregiver Archetype

    The Moon is the celestial regent who governs The Caregiver Archetype (emotions, home, and family). She facilitates the evolution of women and the Earth by influencing the flow of our bodily fluids according to her 29 day Lunar cycle (water, lymph, oil, blood). The Moon is the ruler of Truth and the Unconscious Mind.

  • The Moon & The Ethic of Care

    The Moon is the ruler of The Ethic of Care. Balanced caregiving by individuals and societies demonstrates a healthy relationship with the Moon and the Caregiver Archetype. This allows for the healthy expression of women’s natural gifts. Unbalanced caregiving results in The Wounds of Womanhood.

The Wounds of Womanhood

The Wounds of Womanhood originate from the Unbalanced Caregiver Archetype.