A Distinct Discipline | A New Paradigm

Women’s Ecology™

Cosmic Care.

True Sidereal Astrology

Cosmic Care.

Your are a child of the Stars and your body is made of Star stuff. The planets and their locations in the zodiac are Divine messengers guiding those who know how to see and listen.

True Sidereal Astrology is the astrological system of Women’s Ecology™. Both are rooted in reality and truth. True Sidereal Astrology helps people re-connect with the natural world by using the visible sky (actual location of planets, size of constellations on the zodiac, and the forgotten 13th sign).

Tropical Astrology is the most widely used in the West. It is a symbolic system that uses the sky from 2000 years ago, altered constellation size, and 12 signs. This means that your astrological sign and planetary rulers are likely different than what you were taught.

Accurate within 1 degree for birth dates from 1900 to 2100. Chart calculator provided by Mastering the Zodiac.